Who Is Kyle Katarn?

Is Kyle Katarn equally as strong as Luke Skywalker in Star Wars?

Star Wars character spotlight Kyle Katarn!

Kyle Katarn Kyle Katarn is an Imperial Officer turned powerful Jedi Master who goes on the kinds of adventures that some feel can even rival Luke Skywalker in terms of excitement. He defects from the Empire to work alongside the Rebel Jan Ors as they attempt to bring down the massive power in whatever small way they can. After coming to terms with his connection to the Force, Kyle Katarn would eventually begin his Jedi training, slowly growing in skill until he would eventually become a Jedi Master on the Jedi Council of the new Jedi Order established by Luke Skywalker.

Just because Katarn turned to the light did not mean all the darkness within himself had gone. He struggled with the dark side throughout his life, so much so that he would work to sever his connection to the Force altogether. Katarn would return to the Jedi when the need arose, making him a valuable ally to the forces of good after the fall of the Empire. Much like many other high-profile Jedi of his era, Kyle Katarn was an essential warrior for the coming struggles. Whether it was the Yuuzhan Vong or any threat beyond, Katarn would stand at the ready to fight for the sake of peace in the galaxy.

Why Did Kyle Katarn Turn On The Empire?

Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors Star Wars The fact that Kyle Katarn would end up becoming a Jedi Master may surprise some people when they consider the fact that he rose to some level of prominence as a member of the Galactic Empire. He wasn’t just some standard reserve member of the Empire either, Kyle Katarn actively fought against the Rebels on the battlefield. The issue is that from the beginning, Katarn wasn’t entirely on board with the brutal tactics employed by the Empire. Adding to that, Katarn began to realize that he had some level of connection to the Force while he was serving under the Empire, something that indicated he may have a greater calling.

After an Empire attack on a Rebel base, Katarn begins to have internal doubts about his future with the forces of evil, something that only grows when he finally begins to become friendly with the Legends Canon Rebel Jan Ors. It is actually Ors, who would eventually become Katarn’s partner, that played the largest role in Katarn’s defection from the Empire. Upon showing him evidence that the Empire faked an attack by the Rebels, Katarn would officially begin his journey down the path to become one of the greatest heroes the galaxy has ever known. Kyle became obsessed with finding the people who killed his father, and that meant aiding the Rebels in their operations against the Galactic Empire.

Why Do Fans Love Kyle Katarn?

There’s actually a rather diverse set of reasons as to why fans love Kyle Katarn, with some of the most common being the impact of the games he’s featured in, the character’s writing and attitude, and the legitimacy he receives in the series in comparison to other Jedi. For a lot of people, Kyle Katarn is just a fun and cool character who is easy to get behind. He defects from evil to do what’s right, he finds a close set of friends, and he even struggles with the light and the dark at various points all while becoming a Jedi Master. His many appearances have allowed a lot of his personality to shine through in a variety of complex situations from open war to intimate battles. His down-to-earth nature shines through in a bit of dialogue from Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy:

“First off, just call me Kyle – titles make my skin crawl. Secondly, you’re not ‘serving under me’. I’m gonna teach you, and you’re gonna learn. That’s it.”

Over the course of Kyle’s adventures, he’s not simply some overpowered Jedi God like some immediately seem to become. Kyle struggles against even the most basic of Stormtrooper enemies and is aware that he can’t safely run headfirst into most battles. This requires a bit more of a tactical approach for a character of lesser skill than many others in the Star Wars universe. It’s this novice skill level of Katarn, with most of his initial skill just coming from Empire training, that turns into mastery of the ways of the Jedi that fans love. Kyle Katarn isn’t stagnant, he is a constantly changing and growing character, something that makes him unique in many respects in Star Wars.

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Q: What are some other characters from the Star Wars video games that fans would like to see made canon?
A: While Kyle Katarn is one of the most beloved characters from the Star Wars video games, there are other characters that fans would love to see made canon. One such character is Starkiller from the game “Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.” Starkiller, also known as Galen Marek, is a powerful Force user who becomes Darth Vader’s secret apprentice. His story is filled with epic battles and a complex relationship with Vader. Fans of the game are drawn to Starkiller’s raw power and compelling story, and many would love to see him given official canon status.

Q: Are there any other Jedi characters besides Kyle Katarn who have struggled with the light and dark sides of the Force?
A: Yes, there are several other Jedi characters in the Star Wars universe who have grappled with the light and dark sides of the Force. One notable example is Anakin Skywalker, who famously succumbs to the dark side and becomes Darth Vader. Another example is Ahsoka Tano, the former apprentice of Anakin Skywalker, who leaves the Jedi Order but continues to embody the light side of the Force. These characters showcase the complexity of the Jedi path and the ongoing struggle to maintain balance.


  1. Starkiller – Wookieepedia
  2. Anakin Skywalker – Wookieepedia
  3. Ahsoka Tano – Wookieepedia
  4. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed – Official Website
  5. Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Official Website