Zelda’s Tears of the Kingdom’s Missing Ancient Tribe Explained

Zelda's Tears of the Kingdom's Missing Ancient Tribe Explained

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom – Uncovering Hyrule’s Forgotten Tribe!

A Diverse Land of Hyrule

Welcome to the land of Hyrule, a place filled with diverse inhabitants! From the human-like Hylians and Sheikah to the exclusively female Gerudo tribe, the aquatic Zora, and the rock-hard Gorons, there’s something for everyone. And let’s not forget about the incredible spirit creatures and races that appear in other games. But wait, there’s more! Tears of the Kingdom introduces us to the ancient Zonai civilization, who mysteriously inhabited Hyrule long before recorded history began.

Teary-eyed Over a Lost Tribe

While gallivanting through the vast lands of Hyrule in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, you may stumble upon the enigmatic Barbarian Armor Set. Now, at first sight, one might assume that this badass armor belonged to an ancient Zonai warrior. But hold your cucco, because we’ve got a problem with that assumption. The Armor itself may hold clues that point to the existence of a long-forgotten tribe within Hyrule’s history.

Unraveling the Mystery

What’s the deal with the Barbarian Armor Set, you ask? Well, it consists of the Armor, Helm, and Leg Wraps. Breath of the Wild players had the chance to discover these scattered pieces hidden in shrines. But in Tears of the Kingdom, intrepid adventurers can find them lurking in even more secretive caves scattered across Hyrule. The helmet, made from the skull of a Lynel or some equally fearsome creature, adds a touch of intimidation. While the rest of the outfit is a mix of fur, leather, and bone, held together by leather straps and bits of rope. And let’s not forget the magical body paint that gives the wearer a boost in combat prowess.

So, who made this epic armor? According to the item descriptions, the Barbarian Set was forged by a warlike tribe that once thrived in the southeastern Faron region of Hyrule. Many adventurers thought the Zonai, with their impressive ruins in Faron, were the top contenders. The Breath of the Wild Sourcebook even hints at the possibility of Zonai origins, but let’s not take that as gospel. I mean, calling a highly advanced civilization “barbarians” seems a bit off, don’t you think? Besides, Zonai clothing doesn’t quite match the look of the Barbarian Set.

Maybe the Armor is a relic of a bygone era? It’s possible that the Barbarian Armor dates back to a time when the Zonai ruled without fancy technology. But here’s the twist: the Zonai were supposed to be divine beings descended from gods, practically godlike in the eyes of early Hylians. Not exactly the “barbaric” image that springs to mind, right?

Crazy Theories and Wild Guesses

Alright, let’s dive into the realm of conjecture! Some daring fans theorize that the Barbarian Armor was created by a civilization known as the Ancient Ones. These folks whipped up the iconic Mask from The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask and were notorious for their warlike ways. The tribal, shamanistic look of the Mask would fit right in with a technologically primitive society like the one that forged the Barbarian Armor.

What if the Armor has Sheikah roots, you say? Not a bad guess! After all, the Barbarian Armor pieces are bestowed upon players by Sheikah monks in Breath of the Wild. Sure, the ancient Sheikah were quite advanced, but who’s to say the Armor couldn’t hail from an earlier, grittier era of Sheikah history? However, it is a tad odd that the item descriptions remain hush-hush about the Armor’s true origins, especially considering the Sheikah’s importance in Breath of the Wild.

And finally, brace yourself for this wild thought: what if the Armor belonged to a long-forgotten tribe of Humans or Hylians? Humans may be absent from Tears of the Kingdom, but they’ve made appearances in other Zelda games. If this version of Hyrule happened to have a particularly warlike human civilization, maybe they were wiped out or forced into exile, which explains their absence. Humans and Hylians share a similar build, so either group could easily fit into the Armor. Unfortunately, we don’t have enough information to provide a concrete answer. The mystery deepens!

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom awaits your exploration on the fantastic Nintendo Switch. Grab your sword, polish your shield, and dive into the mythical realms of Hyrule!