The Best Deck for Mockingbird: Unleashing the META Attacker 🔥

Mockingbird', Marvel Snap's initial March release, has the ability to revive a forgotten synergy that many players have nearly overlooked.

Marvel Snap The Ultimate Mockingbird Deck

📊 The first Spotlight Cache drop in Marvel Snap’s March Season, Mockingbird, has caused the metagame to shift toward classic wide decks. But can she actually give you a killer deck? In this guide, we explore the possibilities of turning Mockingbird into a META attacker with a rather overlooked combination of classic cards.

Also known as Dr. Barbara “Bobbi” Morse, Mockingbird is a five-cost, nine-power card with the ability to discount its Cost every time you play a card that did not start in your deck or hand. Her effect is similar to that of She-Hulk and Skaar’s, with a difference in ease-of-trigger: Mockingbird is much easier to discount than the other two.

The Best Deck for Mockingbird: Ultron-Patriot Combo 💪

best cards for a mockingbird deck in marvel snap.

As a Cost-Reduction card, Mockingbird works best in an Ultron-Patriot deck. You can recreate this lineup by combining the trio (Mockingbird, Ultron, and Patriot) with Mysterio, Brood, Squirrel Girl, Iron Man, Blue Marvel, Silver Surfer, Absorbing Man, and Moon Girl.

Card Cost Power
Mockingbird 5 9
Ultron 6 8
Patriot 3 1
Mysterio 2 4
Brood 3 2
Squirrel Girl 1 2
Iron Man 5 0
Mystique 3 0
Blue Marvel 5 3
Silver Surfer 3 2
Absorbing Man 4 4
Moon Girl 4 4

The synergies of the deck work as follows:

  • Mysterio, Brood, Squirrel Girl, and Moon Girl help reduce Mockingbird’s Cost.
  • Patriot, Silver Surfer, Iron Man, and Blue Marvel are the primary buffs.
  • Mystique and Absorbing Man are Joker cards. (They copy another card’s power/text.)
  • Ultron is the win condition. His Drones can fill the board, allowing buff cards to turn them into Powerhouses.

Considering Mockingbird’s good synergy with added cards, a go-to deck for her could be a classic Thanos lineup.

How to Play Mockingbird: The Art of Free Dropping 🎮

mockingbird superhero in marvel comics.

The way Mockingbird works is that every time you play a generated card, her Cost drops by one. A generated card is a character that did not start at your hand or deck. For example, a copy of Mister Sinister is a generated card. The same goes for Broodlings of Brood and Squirrels of Squirrel Girl.

As a five-Cost player, Mockingbird becomes a free drop after you play five generated cards. (A combination of Brood and Mystique is enough to achieve this.)

You must play Mockingbird as an early initiative stealer. By dropping her on turn three or four, you have a chance to later double her Power with buff cards like Iron Man.

However, note that:

  • Mysterio drops Mockingbird’s Cost by three—because the main card is considered generated.
  • Mystique, Absorbing Man, and other copy cards that change before hitting the board will trigger her effect.
  • To trigger Mockingbird’s discount, you must play generated cards. Any additional card still in your hand or deck does not count.
  • Ninja, Djinn, and other location-generated cards will still discount Mockingbird’s Cost.

How to Counter Mockingbird: Unmasking the Discount ✋

cosmo venomized variant in marvel snap.

To stop Mockingbird, you must prevent her discount. Do so by clogging enemy locations or nullifying On Reveal effects. Your opponent needs card-duplicator cards like Brood or deck-stealers like Agent 13 to trigger their Mockingbird. You can counter the first group by blocking or filling locations. And you can prevent the remaining attackers with Cosmo.

Is Mockingbird Worth It? Let’s Evaluate! 💰

a mockingbird card cover art in marvel snap.

Thanks to her archetype flexibility, Mockingbird is an excellent Spotlight Cache option. She’s worth the price because you can implement her in most decks that benefit from some sort of card generation or duplication. Think Thanos and Kazar decks.

The only downside to getting Mockingbird is that she makes you go wide. Because you have to get her discount as early as possible, you must play duplicating characters like Brood and Squirrel Girl, which makes you go with a board-wide-attack strategy that’s not always the optimal option.

🔗 Relevant Links:

  1. The Best Thanos Lineup For Competitive Play
  2. Unleashing the Power of Blue Marvel
  3. Master the Art of Copying with Mystique
  4. Cosmo: The Ultimate Defense Against Deck-Stealers
  5. The Secrets of On Reveal Effects

Hey gamers! Have you tried out the Mockingbird META deck yet? Share your experience in the comments below and let us know if you managed to create some epic combos! Don’t forget to share this article with your fellow Marvel Snap enthusiasts. Happy gaming! 🎮🔥💪✨

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