The Underwater Roller Coaster Adventure That’s Making Waves!

Iron Lung Dev Unleashes a Creepy Price Hike From $6 to $8, Uncover the Thrilling Adventure Where Pocket Monsters Rule - But Don't Worry, There's Always the Option to Go Pirate It or Something!

Horror game Iron Lung’s developer raises price from $6 to $8 with the intention of earning more money. They boldly suggest that if you’re not happy with it, you could always ‘go pirate it or something’.

If there’s one game that’s been causing a splash in the gaming world, it’s Iron Lung. This submarine adventure has gamers on the edge of their seats, and now it’s even more thrilling with a new price tag of $8 on Steam (don’t worry, it’s still a steal at $6 on Switch!). Creator David Szymanski knows that it’s worth every penny, and he’s not afraid to dive deep to make some extra cash.

You see, Szymanski wants to make more money (shocking, I know!). In a recent Twitter thread, he addressed the raised price of Iron Lung with no filter. “If you don’t agree with this price, I don’t want your money. Go pirate it or something idc.” Talk about not mincing words!

But let’s be honest, Szymanski has a point. He’s in the business of making games, and like anyone else, he’s in it to earn some sweet, sweet moolah. He’s got a simple business model: create something amazing, charge a fair price, and everyone goes home happy. It’s as straightforward as navigating the treacherous waters of Iron Lung itself (watch out for those sea monsters!).

If you don’t think Iron Lung is worth the money, that’s totally okay. Szymanski encourages you to hold off or take the sneaky route and wait for a deep sale (or even go the pirate route – just kidding!). He’s open to feedback and always looking to improve. After all, he doesn’t want you to feel like you’re drowning in buyer’s remorse.

And here’s some exciting news: Szymanski promises that this will be the final price change for Iron Lung. He’s ready to move on to new adventures. In fact, he’s already released Squirrel Stapler, a jaw-dropping horror hunting game for $8, and Chop Goblins, a micro FPS extravaganza for only $5 (what a steal!). Both games have been met with rave reviews on Steam.

Iron Lung has made such a splash that even YouTube star Markiplier is getting in on the action. He’s producing and starring in an Iron Lung film, with Szymanski “heavily involved” in the production. And let me tell you, the trailer promises a blood-soaked horror experience that will leave you gasping for air.

So, if you’re ready for an underwater adventure that’s worth every dollar, dive into Iron Lung. But remember, if you’re not convinced, Szymanski is all ears and ready to adjust prices for his future creations. Just keep your wetsuit on and get ready for some gaming goodness!

Now, go forth, brave gamers, and conquer the depths of Iron Lung. May your gaming adventures be as exhilarating as a ride on a roller coaster in the ocean, with twists and turns that will leave you breathless (but not too breathless, because oxygen is important!).